BLS8 will be held as a hybrid-style symposium to enhance the accessibility of its contents worldwide. Oral presentations should be made in-person at the main conference hall. All oral presentations will be streamed online on a Zoom platform.
Poster presentation has two categories – ‘in-person’ and ‘online-only’. All poster presentations (including the ‘in-person’ poster) will be uploaded and viewable on the online conference platform. All oral and poster presentations will be viewable by registered participants after the symposium for a few months.
We would like to encourage in-person attendance, as communication tools for online participants are somewhat limited. Oral presentations are viewing-only for online participants (i.e., no questions taken from the online audience). Feedback on online poster presentations will be text-comment only (i.e., no online social communication tools will be available).
The following is the timetable of BLS8 at a glance (as of 25 Feb 2024).